Monday, 24 March 2014


Time to open the March parcels, the theme chosen by Pat was "The Four Seasons" .......... lot's of lovely bits and pieces to work with in Pat's parcel. My only problem was I don't do Easter or Halloween cards and nothing was really shouting Spring or Autumn to me, so I did my Summer & winter cards then had a think about the bits I had left. To actually make Easter or Halloween cards seemed a waste of time as I wouldn't use them and yet there were some really cute bits Pat had included that I wanted to use ........ eventually I decided to make 2 "tags" that could be used on a card if I wanted or, who knows, may find their way into my Art Journal for my future pleasure!!!
So here they are, hope you like them ....................

My Winter card, I was actually quite happy with my colouring of the picture, i used my water colour pencils as I wanted to keep it quite light.

My Summer card ...... I just had to use this lovely flowery picture Pat included and the roses and butterfly immediately said summer to me.

A Halloween tag ................ I was quite happy with this and liked my decision to have some bits going over the edge of the tag.

My Easter tag ............... I had to use this lovely dragonfly vellum paper & the cute little tag, a little bit of ribbon & a couple of flowers finished the tag.

So there we are, I know I can get more from Pat's parcel at a later date but for now it is time to turn my attention to the goodies in the parcel from Liz!


  1. Well done. I love the Halloween tag...that background is brilliant. Guess our little girls are at different stages in their training as they are wearing different colours!!

  2. They're all fab, Terri.. I love the Halloween tag - like you, I don't do Easter or Halloween cards, but I really like the tag idea. Be great for scrapbooking, too :o)

  3. Thank you both .......... I must say I liked the way the Halloween tag turned out, wasn't quite so happy with the Easter one but as I will probably use them on the "March challenge" page in my journal I will most likely add some more on or around it as I do the page.
